Monday, March 30, 2009
The Obama Presidency: "The Contours Of Failure Are Now Clearly Visible"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Failure Accomplished: Both Frank Rich & Paul Krugman Turn On The Teleprompter President
For Krugman's ruminations please click on the title of this post. For theater critic turned political analyst (and doesn't it show?) please go here:
Relish the fact that Rich even suggests Obama's "Katrina Moment" may have arrived. Ouch.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Obama's Teleprompter Blog
Palinphobes And The Audacity Of Type
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
From John Hinderaker At Powerline
This ABC News/BBC poll documents the vast improvements that have taken place in Iraq since the surge began, as seen by the Iraqis themselves. Material conditions, faith in government institutions and, above all, security have all improved dramatically, giving rise to widespread optimism about Iraq's future. You can review the poll data here and draw your own conclusions. These charts, from the ABC report, are typical; click to enlarge. Iraqis' ratings of security, crime protection and freedom of movement where they live:
Support for democracy:
Confidence in Iraqi institutions:
One poll finding that is not highlighted by ABC but that stunned me was this: 53 percent of Iraqis say they "never" attend mosque, while another 11 percent attend "several times a year" or less.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Camille Paglia Gets Trashed By Fellow Liberals!
Uh oh: Camille opined recently that the people around Obama (and not The One Himself) were to blame for the astonishingly incompetent performance this administration has turned in since the Inauguration. Mind you she didn't blame Obama, just his aids but this was enough for the moonbats at Salon to go full batsh*t. This is a great read so do yourself a favor and click on the title to this post to view it yourself. PLEASE note the language alert: these hopey/changey types use very foul language.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lame Democrat Contest Comes Up With This
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Camille On Rush: Has The Administration Gone Mad?
Fineman: Establishment Finds Obama Lacking
Click on the title of this post to read his article.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Rive Gauche
David Frum: Why Rush Is Wrong
Friday, March 6, 2009
Peggy Noonan Can Barely Critique The One
MoDo was much tougher and she doesn't claim to be either a conservative or a Republican. Peggy's schtick is tired and stale and to at least one of us here at MC she remains dead. Wake us if she rediscovers her political principles.
Click on the title of this post to read her column in the WSJ.
What Does A Trillion Dollars Look Like?
Rush Is Not The Problem
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mark Levin & David Frum: On-Air Hissy Fits
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Falling Off The Messiah's Bandwagon
Click on the title of this post to see Rubin's take.