Monday, November 13, 2006

November Issue

The November issue of The Minnesota Republic has only been out for a week, and already our racks are being vandalized by angry liberals! See what all the fuss is about in this month's full 24-page issue, which can be found in racks around campus (locations listed on sidebar to the right).

This month's topics include:

  • The Intolerant Left: The Republic's view on the intolerance of the so-called American "liberals." These fine upstanding leftists violate the free speech of others, resort to name calling, vandalism and violence, and have a strange obsession with the word "fascist." And some of these enlightened individuals are right here at the University of Minnesota!
  • Being Gay and Right Part 2: We collected so much material for our spotlight piece last month that we decided to do a cover story for November. Going along with our theme of "liberal intolerance," we look at some of the misconceptions among both conservatives and liberals. Do gays have to be liberal, or can they make a better choice? Are liberals as tolerant and understanding as they say? We talked to several people from around the university, professors and students, to find the answers to these questions and more.
  • The UofM Gun Policy - Breaking Laws and Disarming Victims Daily: As enlightened as it is, the University of Minnesota doesn't seem to have a problem with ignoring the second amendment rights of its students and faculty. Is the U being reasonable, or is it just making campus more dangerous and less free?
  • 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winners: A profile on this year's winners. Surprisingly, this year the Nobel Committee decided to award truly noble achievements. There's a first time for everything, apparently.
  • Thank You For Smoking DVD Review: A refreshing comedy about a not-so-refreshing habit--and your right to partake in it. If you haven't seen it already, read about it here. It meets the MNR Seal of Approval. "Don't hide the truth, just filter it."
  • Humor and Fun: Learn about famous American political scandals in this month's crossword puzzle, read more of Tom's crazy opinions, and more in our irreverent humor section!
Plus, as always, much more!

Conservative Awareness Week

The Minnesota Republic is proudly promoting Conservative Awareness Week, November 13th through the 17th. You can find copies of The Minnesota Republic each day at the various conservative-themed events. Find out more at !!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October Issue

Click here to download the PDF version!

Get ready for a full 24-page October issue of The Minnesota Republic. Hard copies will be available starting Monday, October 16th. You'll be able to find them in racks in all the residence halls and at Stub & Herbs on Oak Street. Our student distributors will also be passing out copies around campus through the end of the month.

In this issue you'll find:
  • Election 2006: Get quick profiles on the candidates for governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, and Attorney General to help make a more informed vote.
  • A fresh perspective on the Iraq war: Historian Victor Davis Hanson, author of numberous books on military history and more, visited the U last month to talk about the Iraq war. Read about his speech, and if you like what he has to say we recommend checking out one of his many books.
  • Being gay and right: does being gay mean you have to be a liberal? Liberals claim to be tolerant of others (unless those others aren't liberal). In the liberal tradition of rebelling against social norms, we talked to Alexander Whitney, a gay conservative who says being gay does not mean you have to be liberal.
  • 9/11 conspiracy theories and the 9/11 "Truth" Movement. You think it's far-fetched? James Fetzer, a UofM Duluth professor, is co-founder of a group that concludes that 9/11 was a government hoax, and that the government is using terrorism to manipulate the public. Surprised that someone like this was employed by the University of Minnesota? Let us know what you think.
  • Humor and fun: read political cartoons, find out what Tom has to say about dating liberal women in the Question a Conservative column, and check out our new conservative crossword puzzle.
Plus much more!

If you're interested in working with us to continue and improve publication of The Minnesota Republic, email us at Send letters to the editor to (400 words max, please). If you want to ask a controversial or inappropriate question anonymously in the Question a Conservative column, send it to Tom at

And feel free to attend our meetings, every Thursday at 6 PM in our new office, which is located downstairs in the same building as the Dairy Queen on Washington Ave, across from the McNamura Alumni Center. Everyone is welcome, and pizza and pop will be served!

Click here for the October crossword answer key.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

September issue now available!

Click here to download the PDF version!

As the fall semester kicks into high gear, get ready for another issue of
The Minnesota Republic! Hard copies of this issue will be available starting Monday, September 11. They can be found in all the residence halls, and we are expanding to more locations around campus this month. We will also be hand distributing copies around campus all week long!

In this issue you can look forward to:

  • The University of Minnesota Conservative Guide 2006, our guide to conservative groups, radio and local politics, for those new to the area or those who just want to know.
  • Painting the town red: a guide to campus activism, showcasing the good, the bad, and the ugly. Ever wonder what happens at those antiwar protests? Want to get involved in more productive (and less illegal) activism? We've got the answers for you.
  • The Republic's View on postmodern pseudo-thought: what your professors want you to not think, and how it's poisoning society. Learn how to recognize it, and fight back!
  • More Tom Foolery with Tom Meyer's Question a Conservative. Be sure to flood his inbox with as many interesting or inappropriate questions as possible, whether you are conservative, liberal or in between. Your questions will be printed anonymously, and Tom doesn't hold back with his answers. Email him at

Plus much more!

If you'd like to get involved with The Minnesota Republic you can download the application below, or join our facebook group and receive updates and meeting times. If you simply have criticisms or suggestions, feel free to leave comments here or email us at

Monday, August 28, 2006

September Issue Coming Soon!

As the fall semester kicks into high gear, get ready for another issue of The Minnesota Republic!

If you'd like to get involved with The Minnesota Republic you can download an application here, or join our facebook group and receive updates and meeting times. Otherwise, just keep reading, and have a great year!

Monday, May 8, 2006

Want to work for The Minnesota Republic?
Click here to download a job application!

The Minnesota Republic is now hiring for next fall! We are looking for talented and dedicated students who want an outlet for conservative ideas, or who just want to hone their skills. If you have experience in writing, editing, photography, graphic design, marketing or any other useful skills, download and complete the job application above, or email us at for more information.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Issue 3 Now Available!

Click here for the PDF version!

Look for our May issue this week in the dorms and other campus locations. This month we cover a slew of topics:
  • Eminent domain reform in Minnesota
  • Bordering on chaos: Immigration reform
  • 'Extreme greens': Are environmentalists doing more harm than good?
  • President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Iranian nightmare
  • Campus liberals think they have found a new "root-of-all-evil," and it's something you'd least expect!
  • More answers from our resident conservative guru, Tom Meyer
And much more!

So as you're preparing for finals, set aside some time to open a bottle of "evil" corporate Coke and read this issue of The Minnesota Republic!

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Issue 2 Now Available!

Click here for the PDF version!

Click here for complete Jonah Goldberg interview!

You can always pick up a hard copy this week on racks around the UofM Minneapolis campus, or drop by one of our weekly meetings Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in Coffman Room 303C!

Danish Cartoon Controversy: To Censor or Not to Censor?

We at The Minnesota Republic believe that all possible information should be made available to our readers so that they can make informed opinions on important issues. With that in mind, we have chosen to make available copies of all 12 Danish cartoons to go along with the article "Cartoon controversy reaches the U" which appears in our April 2006 issue.

Thursday, February 16, 2006